
lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

Hey Brother, by Avicii.

You can have a look in this post at the lyrics of the song "Hey Brother" by Avicii that we'll listen to in class.

Ordinal numbers in English.

We are studying ordinal numbers in unit 4. Check this link to see some important information about ordinal numbers and do some exercises.

lunes, 13 de enero de 2014



Can I come in? - 
Sorry, for being late. - 
Can I go to the toilet, please?
Can I go out, please? -
I have finished. Can I correct the exercise? - 
What do we have to do now? - 
I don't understand. Could you repeat that, please? - 
What does "library" mean in Spanish?
How do you say "biblioteca" in English? - I was absent on the last lesson. - I could not do my homework because.... - How do you spell that word? - Do we have to hand in this exercise? - Do we have to write this down? - I don't have a pen/pencil/sheet of paper. Can I borrow one? - Can you pronounce this word, please? Can I open / close the window? - What page are we on? - Could you help me, please? - What is the homework? -

Open the notebooks in the vocabulary section, please.

Go to the activities section in your notebooks, please.

Open the books and go to page...

Do the next exercises: ...

You don't need to copy the instructions for the exercise, you only need to copy the solutions.  

domingo, 5 de enero de 2014

Burn by Ellie Goulding.

Now, you can read the lyrics and sing the song Burn we listened to in class some time ago. Do you remember the meaning of the verb "burn"?

A clue:

Vocabulary revision: your daily routine.

Check this link to revise some vocabulary related to your daily routine. Read and translate the texts: Daily activities at home, Daily activities at work and Other daily activities.

Vocabulary: daily routines. 

If you don't understand any of the words used, don't forget you can ask your teacher the meaning or check it at

Grammar revision: comparative adjectives.

Holidays are funnier than school time... do you agree? Funnier is an adjective used in a comparative sentence, we studied it in the first term. Now, you'll do some exercises to revise this grammar point. Come on, it's easy!

Comparative adjectives 1

Comparative adjectives 2

Grammar revision: simple present.

In order to revise all the things we studied in class last term about simple present, check this page and do the exercises the best you can. When you finish, check your answers.

And some more practice in these links:

Simple present practice 2

Simple present practice 3

Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer.

Do you remember the song we were practising in class before the Christmas  holidays? You can sing it again while you watch this video.

Starting a new year...

Hi everyone!

Let's get started...