
viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

Can and must.

You can pass English this term, but you must study...

Do you understand these two verbs? Let's do some practice to make sure we know how to use them.

Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3

Present simple or present continuous/progressive?

We have studied the difference between present simple and present continuous this term. Have a look at the pictures to refresh your ideas...



Now, you can read the information and do the next exercises to practise this important grammatical point.

Grammatical explanation

You need to practice to understand it perfectly. Come on, it's easy!

lunes, 10 de febrero de 2014

Present continuous: some more practice.

Hi everyone!!

Remember we are studying present continuous in unit 5. Are you sure do you know how to use this tense?
Let's do some more practice! Check these two exercises:

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

This it very important and it will be in the final test, so revise carefully and ask your teacher if you don't understand.
Now, have a look at the video and pay attention to the explanation. Translate the sentences. They are very easy, present continuous or progressive is used in them.

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014

Present continuous with Mr Bean.

Watch the video, read and translate the sentences. Which verbal tense is used? What do we use this verbal tense for?

 Now watch this video. Can you create at least 10 different sentences using present continuous?

domingo, 2 de febrero de 2014

What Makes You Beautiful, by One Direction.

As many of you wanted to work with a song by One Direction, we'll be listening to the song "What makes you beautiful" in class. Here you can read the lyrics and sing the song:

English test on Wednesday...REVISION!!!

You must revise these contents if you want to pass the exam we have on Wednesday…

1. Simple present (affirmative, interrogative and negative forms).
               I like chocolate. Do you like chocolate? I don’t like chocolate.
               Be careful: third person singular:   
She likes chocolate. Does she like chocolate? She doesn’t like chocolate.

2. Yes/No questions and Wh-questions.
               Do you live in Alcalá? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
               Where do you live? In Alcalá la Real.

3. Frequency adverbs (always, never, sometimes…) Position: verb to be and other verbs.
I am always happy.
I never study at half past three.

4. Use and position of ALSO.

I also like tennis.
You are also in the park.

5. Special verbs followed by –ing: like, love, hate, prefer, don’t mind…

I hate watching terror films.
I love going to the cinema.
I like studying English.
I don’t mind helping you with the homework.

6. Vocabulary from unit 1 to 4: in texts and lists made in class: SPECIAL ATTENTION TO UNIT 4, but revision of ALL THE VOCABULARY in each unit from 1 to 4.

7. Ordinal numbers in English: first, second, third… revision in the teacher’s blog.

8. All the contents of vocabulary and grammar studied in units 1 to 4 (to be, have got, comparatives, nationalities, etc… REPASO DEL DOCUMENTO ENTREGADO ANTES DEL EXAMEN FINAL DE LA PRIMERA EVALUACIÓN).

IMPORTANT: In the exam there is a text with questions to check if you understand, so please revise interrogative particles and make sure you know their meaning (when, where, how, etc.)